Comitato per i diritti civili delle prostitute aps

The Committee for the Civil Rights of Prostitutes APS (CDCP APS) is an association of sex workers and allies, founded in 1982 as a non-profit, non-commercial entity – Legislative Decree 460/97; in 2004 it was registered in the register of non-profit organizations and since 2022 the undersigned association is registered in the “Social promotion association” section of the Third Sector Register (RUNTS) pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 54 of Legislative Decree n.117/2017 and article 31 of the Ministerial Decree. n.106 of 09/15/2020. https://www.lucciole.org/ The association is registered in the Register of associations and bodies that carry out activities in favor of immigrants, pursuant to article 54 of the Decree of the President of the Republic, 31 August 1999, n. 394. Registration number C/15/2000/PN. Registered in the Regional Register of Friuli V.G. of Social Promotion associations number 174 law reg. n.23 of 9 Nov. 2012. Membership in the Committee is open to all those who share its statutory aims. CDCP APS carries out cultural activities to guide social policy choices aimed at improving the condition of those in prostitution, to spark a debate to raise awareness in society in general aimed at respecting the dignity and human rights of sex workers (women, transgender, men), promotes training interventions for the empowerment of sex workers and improve their quality of life.
In 2000, the founders of the non-profit Committee for the Civil Rights of Prostitutes had the far-sighted idea of creating the Stella Polare project – a welcome project in Trieste, a border city, to offer a concrete tool in the fight against the phenomenon of human trafficking human rights and, specifically, against sexual and labor exploitation in Trieste. The anti-trafficking project received immediate support from local institutions: ASUGI – Giuliana Isontina University Health Company and the Municipality of Trieste.
Since 2016 the Stella Polare project has merged into the current regional network ‘the FVG network against trafficking’ of which the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region is the leader. The three implementing bodies composed of the Committee for the Civil Rights of Prostitutes in Trieste ApS, the Caritas Center of the Archdiocese of Udine and the Nuovi Vicini non-profit organization of Pordenone implement the Single Program of emergence, assistance and social inclusion.
Trans Trieste Help Desk Linda Occhio Bello The help desk was aimed at transgender people and sex workers who need legal, healthcare, psychological support, hormone therapy for gender dysphoria and for changing their personal data and people in need of economic support and basic necessities. These activities were carried out in collaboration with the Gender Dysphoria Centre, Endocrinology department of Cattinara Hospital. The initiative was financed by the Regone Friuli Venzia Giulia in implementation of AdP 2020 + incremental resources of the Relaunch Decree (ex articles 72 -73 of Legislative Decree no. 117/2017 – Third Sector Code) approved with DGR no. 1780 of 27.11.2020.